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A chat with Johanna from Yishun Centre, who hopes to inspire the children to be kind and do good

Updated: Nov 7, 2023

In this series of chats with our staff, we get up close and personal. They share about things like their favourite drinks, to their experiences and motivations at work.

Could you introduce yourself? I am Johanna, an English teacher of the playgroup class at Yishun Centre. I teach those who are 18 months to 2 years old. What does a typical day in your life look like? I wake up in the morning, take my breakfast, go to work. When I first arrive, I greet my children and colleagues and go about my day in the centre. Sometimes, I take my break with my colleagues and we go out for lunch before we continue with work. After work – sometimes I do some exercise. At night, l like to watch movies to rest and relax.

What is a pick me up that you need to keep you going in a day? I need iced coffee to get me through the day! Who doesn’t?

What are some hobbies or interests you have outside of work? Walking or running after work helps me to refresh my mind and regain energy for the next day. It helps me to relax my soul and body, and helps me to think too.

What are the joys and challenges of teaching the playgroup children? It is fun and challenging at the same time, as the children are more dependent and they need you 24/7. It is physically tiring, other than that I am good and happy with what I am doing.

I love the PG children because of how they interact with me. They are very sweet and lovable - they love hugs. When there are times when I don’t feel ok, I feel better immediately when they give me hugs!

Why are you still in the early childhood sector? I’m passionate about my job! I love children and teaching. I believe that I inspire others - not just the children I teach but also my colleagues. I believe I have a purpose to inspire other people, especially in encouraging the children to be kind and do good to other people. At the same time, I am serving the Lord through my work.

How would you motivate a fellow teacher?

They should think back on why they started being a teacher and why they chose this job. For me personally whenever I feel down, I think about how I chose this job. It helps me to be motivated and want to become better.

What is one quality that a teacher must have?

They need to have passion as teaching children is not an easy job. It requires a lot of hard work, patience, and love towards children.


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(by Presbyterian Preschool Services)

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