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A chat with Bethanie, Principal of LOT Ghim Moh, who strives to be an approachable and compassionate leader with foresight

Updated: Mar 4, 2024

In this series of chats with our staff, we get up close and personal. They share about things like their favourite drinks, to their experiences and motivations at work. Hi, could you introduce yourself? I'm Bethanie, Principal of LOT Ghim Moh. How did it feel at first, advancing from a Vice-Principal to the Principal role in 2023?  I was nervous and anxious because it was a totally new job scope but I strived to manage the staff and centre well. So I felt quite abit of pressure. However, I was excited because my daughter is attending the same preschool as me! Why did you choose to enrol your daughter into PPS?

I was just being practical as we can go to school together. Additionally, I can indirectly help her learn well if I can manage to guide my teachers well. In fact, that gives me more inclination to do a good job.

What are some challenges and joys of being a Principal? A continuous challenge that I am always thinking how to make the environment more welcoming - one that encourages the teachers and children to be more proactive and creative. A space that is more free and fluid, a space they call their own. Like a second home! This would help teachers enjoy teaching, children enjoy learning and also help both to grasp our new curriculum better.

Some joys would be seeing the teachers and children interacting with the other children from the other levels, communicating more and asking more questions. I have also been seeing a lot more smiles in school!

A continuous challenge that I am always thinking how to make the environment more welcoming - one that encourages the teachers and children to be more proactive and creative. A space that is more free and fluid, a space they call their own. Like a second home! This would help teachers enjoy teaching, children enjoy learning and also help both to grasp our new curriculum better.

What makes a good principal, or a Principal you hope to be?

Some of the qualities I hope to have would be to be positive, responsible, approachable, forward-thinking and compassionate.

Where does your motivation to manage the staff and centre well come from?

It comes from my years of being a teacher and my expectation of the principals I work for. As a staff, I would often think if the principal is like this or like that and did this or that it would be wonderful. So now that I am in the leadership position instead, I have to think from the teacher’s perspective and implement things that are beneficial for them. Why did you choose to work at PPS? 

I didn't, PPS chose me. I love being in the huge family because I feel that the management level really understands and try to support our work here at the centre. Before joining PPS, I was comfortable as a senior teacher in my previous preschool and really didn’t want to become a Principal. After being recommended by someone, PPS offered me an office role which I have no experience in. After awhile, PPS felt that I am more suited being in a preschool setting and they really needed a person like me in Ghim Moh. I was reluctant at first but then I prayed and just accepted what was in store for me as a Vice-Principal. Turns out I enjoy being in the centre and I saw how supportive HQ is towards the then Principal. Thus ,when I was offered to be Principal for 2023 onwards, I accepted it and here I am to serve the Lord. He has always provided and he has always been there for me.

What makes you want to stay on in PPS?

The management has understood and supported my work a lot. I would have been so lost if I didn't have the support curriculum and operational wise from HQ. The curriculum modules are well planned and really stimulating. PPS continues to make sure that they provide training for the different modules as well.  HQ staff is also always reachable and more than happy to help. What’s the culture like in PPS?

The people here are enthusiastic, creative and open to ideas. The organisation also encourages life-long learning. It’s important so that teachers can be increasingly independent and bring more to the table in line with PPS culture.


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