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LOT Bukit Arang 2024 Open House (2 March 2024)

Updated: Mar 13, 2024

On the morning of 2nd March, Little Olive Tree Bukit Arang hosted their Open House for existing and potential parents. A range of exciting activities was organised to showcase to parents what the kids do every day in school and also to help parents understand more about the curriculum. Lesson demos, dramatic play rooms and exploration trails allowed parents and children to get to know the school and the environment better.


One of the activities in ‘The Wonder Room’ followed the theme of ‘camping in the forest’ where children were engaging in Dramatic Play, by pretending that they were campers at a campsite. They engaged in ‘camp’ activities such as roasting marshmallows, explore’ a mystery cave that was surrounded by darkness, relying only on their hands to feel the texture of the surroundings to guess what items were in the dark, dark cave.

There was another creative room where the children were free to use every day discarded materials like cardboard boxes, toilet rolls, milk cartons and plastic bottles to build whatever they fancied. The only thing limiting the kids at work was their imagination!

Last year's alumni was also invited to attend the Open House and it was great to see the kids having such a wonderful time catching up with their friends and teachers. The Open House also managed to provide an opportunity for existing and new parents to mingle and share parenting tips. New parents were able to get a gist of how the culture is like at Bukit Arang when as they observed how existing parents/kids interact with the teachers and staff.

One of the existing parents was pleased and impressed when she found out that our curriculum readers for the module Stories From the Bible were written internally to reflect our principles of Truth, Beauty, Goodness, with her child benefiting from such initiative.

Parents were also able to walk around the classrooms and admire the projects done by the students. All in all, both the parents and their kids were able to learn through play with the variety of activities organised.

Looking to visit our schools for Open House? Feel free to sign up at

If the school that you are interested in has already had their Open House, no worries, you can contact us at to find out more!


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(by Presbyterian Preschool Services)

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