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Creation C.A.R.E: LOT Bukit Batok explores & studies trees, flowers and plants in their neighbourhood

LOT Bukit Batok is just one of the 22 preschools participating in Creation C.A.R.E 2024. Over the weeks leading up to the public art showcase, we will get a glimpse into the journeys of various children as they learn, collaborate and importantly, let their imagination and creativity take the lead. In line with this year’s theme, Rooted in Beauty: A Celebration of Trees, children from Bukit Batok have started to explore the trees and plants around their preschool neighbourhood to learn more about them and appreciate them. Along with all our other LOT preschools, they will also be working on a majestic tree sculpture to for a public art showcase held at One Punggol from 16-19 May!

The PG class focused on flowers and were tasked to pick up a variety of flowers to observe their similarities and differences. In the process, they found a little caterpillar and decided to keep the caterpillar in a little box in school to observe and learn more about animals that live in trees. The PN class, who will be working with leaves for the art sculpture, gathered leaves of a diversity of shapes, sizes and colours. They sorted them and did paint printing to observe the unique lines and veins on different leaves, and also threaded leaves into necklaces.

The Nursery class did some investigations on the various parts of a tree. They measured the circumference of a tree trunk, observed different shapes and lengths of tree branches, and inspected the exposed roots of a tree. They also recorded the markings of a tree bark through bark rubbing, feeling and seeing the textures come to life on their pieces of paper!

Meanwhile, the K1s went on a hunt for beautiful leaves and flowers to create a botanical frame, while they also worked with their parents to create a mini tree out of recycled materials they found at home!

Last but not least, our K2s tried something new under Risky Play - they used a real hammer to imprint the colours of flowers and leaves onto paper to to make an art piece. This was their first time trying this method to record down natural pigments from flowers and leaves. However, it was not as successful as they expected. During reflection time, some children expressed that it may not have worked well because the specimens were too dry, or not as fresh. Others believed they needed a stronger hammer.

The teachers loved that the children were excited to try something new and were eager to jump into the inquiry process to investigate through trial and error and exploration in order to refine their skills and create an artwork that they are satisfied with! After discussion, children decided with the teachers that they would try the same method using different kinds of flowers and leaves to see if the results are better. The children's journey of learning will definitely continue over the next month, and they have sure gained much inspiration they can use for their art sculpture in time to come.


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(by Presbyterian Preschool Services)

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