Little Olive Tree Preschools
Childcare Centres that tell the story of God's truth, beauty and goodness.

Little Olive Tree Preschools
Little Olive Tree childcare centres exist to tell the story of God’s truth, beauty and goodness.
We want to develop in our children the disposition of
grit, grace, grease, gratitude and generativeness.
We hope our children will be like olive trees flourishing in the house of God, trusting always in His unfailing love.
“But I am like an olive tree flourishing in the house of God;
I trust in God’s unfailing love for ever and ever.”
Psalm 52:8

Why "Olive Tree"?
In the Bible, the flowering olive tree represents beauty, abundance and fruitfulness. (Ps 52:8, Ps 128:3).
It is our hope that Little Olive Tree Preschools become the seeding ground and a safe space for them to grow in.
The process of making olive oil from the fruit is also a tedious one – repeated processes of bruising the fruits, pressing, heating and further pressing. This image reminds us that nurturing children requires much faithfulness and patience, but the fruit will be sweet.
May we press on in being worthy partners that teach and love the children as our own.

Our Educational Mission
“We want our children to see, understand and act based on biblical principles, values and perspectives. This is especially important in today’s context whereby truth has been distorted, goodness disregarded and beauty corrupted.“
Children today are growing in a volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous (VUCA) climate. In spite of the proliferation of information, and bite-sized news on social media, parents (and teachers, if we might add) are struggling to raise children of the next generation.
We ask ourselves: what is the chief end of education? If it is just academic and future employment success, we are far too short-sighted. In our preschools, the Truth, Beauty and Goodness curriculum aims to break the moulds of traditional education goals.
Our goal for every child to come through our door? It is fairly straightforward: to build a strong foundation in truth, beauty and goodness.
learning dispositions
courage and resilience to overcome challenges and failures
kindness and thoughtfulness towards others
humility and willingness to "wash the feet of others"
thankfulness and showing appreciation
thinking out of the box, challenging norms

Presbyterian Preschool Services
Little Olive Tree Preschools, by Presbyterian Preschool Services, will be running programmes and curriculum mirroring that of the 11 Presbyterian Preschools all over Singapore. PPS Centres are located in the heartlands, while Little Olive Trees will be located in churches or other commercial and/or residential buildings. The operations of the Little Olive Tree Preschools will be supported by the PPS Headquarters.
In spite of the different "brands", the core of the preschools' mission is the same. That is, to meet challenges and needs of the community in Christian witness to touch lives. In other words, our preschools exist to meet the needs of the children and families that come through our doors.
PPS has 40 years of running childcare services in Singapore (previously under the name of Presbyterian Community Services). Since the beginning of 2021, PPS has striven to transform our curriculum and programmes.
This is in response to the changing needs of the early childhood landscape. Beyond that, it is to intentionally instil a strong foundation in truth, beauty and goodness through the everyday classroom curriculum.

Partner Us
Starting from January 2023, God-willing, the Little Olive Tree Preschools in Bukit Arang and Woodlands Evangelical Free Church (partnered with Truth Baptist Church) will begin childcare operations.
However, our hope is that, if God wills, the number of Little Olive Tree Preschools will expand beyond these two locations. Our desire is also to expand services provided to infant care as well as student care.
This is aligned with our mission to meet the challenges and needs of the community. We recognise the rising demands and stressors on families in Singapore, and we want to bridge the gaps in serving these families' needs.
Reach out to us at hello@littleolivetree.sg if you would like to partner us.